About The Nomad Investor

I am a guy in his mid 20s (currently 27 in 2018) who aspires and is on his way of becoming a great nomad investor, examining various businesses as investment opportunities, while travelling and exploring different parts of the world.

Value investing and understanding businesses and economies are what I enjoy (I started to discover and fall in love with value investing at 23 after I graduated and started working), and travelling, seeing and experiencing the world is another of my strong interest (I started travelling at 21 as part of a university trip and have since traveled to more than 30 countries, most of them in backpacking style).

This blog chronicles my journey of becoming a nomad investor, the investing ideas, thoughts and activities that I have along the way, and my certain of my travel experiences.

In particular, the objectives of this blog, in terms of the investing aspect, include:

  • to document down my investing thoughts and styles (for me to keep track of how they have and will have changed over time);
  • to pen down the rationale, thoughts and analysis behind my investing activities (writing forces me to ensure that I have done sufficient due diligence and helps to crystallize my ideas before I take any action, and it serves to prevent hindsight bias in the future);
  • to share and discuss ideas with other investors, and learn from them; and
  • to document my investing results.

I can be reached at thenomadinvestor@gmail.com. Happy reading! 🙂


Growth Hacker and Expert Digital Marketer


Level up Entrepreneurial Skills

With Love, Yuting

Eat Simply. Live Simply. Love Simply.

DJY Research

In-depth research on Asian stocks

Matt Mullenweg

Unlucky in Cards

De Verger

Another investor sharing his thoughts.

Pound the Rock Investing

When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.

The GARP Investor

GARPing to Millions!

Tao of Value

Quest for Value Investing and Beyond